August 11, 2023 - Version 1.2.0

Global Training Type

  • [BUG FIX] Distance input now supports acres
  • [BUG FIX] Fitness training missing label
  • [BUG FIX] Total training time missing label
  • [BUG FIX] The Weight slider widget fixed amount is not showing lower ranges
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Select dog input now shows the dog profile image after selection
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Training date and time auto-set to current date and time
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Log training global back button warning
  • [UI FIX] Log training add * for required inputs

SAR HRD Training Type

  • [UI FIX] The odor amount is renamed "order count."
  • [IMPROVEMENT] New human remains source, text to tags input.
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Order age input now supports months and days.
  • [BUG FIX] Order weight fixed to support lower amounts in grams and ounces
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added alert requested and alert given inputs, counter, and selection

SAR Air-Scent Training Type

  • [UI FIX] Subject options fixed to Adult, Child, Male, Female, Unknown
  • [UI FIX] Alert, select the option "Brinsle" removed
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added alert requested and alert given inputs, counter, and selection

Teams Web App

  • [UI FIX] User header message updated
  • [UI FIX] Training details view updated
  • [UI FIX] Training details weather display updated
  • [UI FIX] Dog details view updated
  • [UI FIX] Add dog view updated
  • [UI FIX] Add dog. All required fields now have *
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed dog details breed URLs not working
  • [BUG FIX] Updating account name now also updates users' selected account name
  • [UI Fix] Select training cards, fix the height issue
  • [BUG FIX] Help center links fixed
  • [BUG FIX] FCI images and URL on dog details view fixed
  • [BUG FIX] Training details view weather temp incorrect measurement unit fixed
  • [IMPROVEMENT] What's new added to the help center
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Dog image upload size limit
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Dog image reduced file size for faster loading
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added invite user to the team
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Log training session auto-set current date and time
  • [BUG FIX] Training details fitness training now showing what was done
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added refund policy link to settings
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added invite user option under teams
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Training details added air quality info
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Training details weather display added Dew point
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Training details weather display added time and location
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Training details weather added pressure data
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Training details weather data added air pressure
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Training details weather added dew point data
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Training details weather added wind degrees and wind gust point data
  • [BUG FIX] Training details added missing time
  • [UI FIX] Total training time better formating
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