August 31, 2023 - Version 1.3.0


  • [BUG FIX] Fixed map location showing address based on user IP
  • [NEW] New temperature widget input
  • [NEW] New toggle switch multi-select widget input
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added descriptions option to all widget inputs
  • [IMPROVEMENT] DaysToYears widget input added minutes and hours
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Add Training wizard now saves data between steps
  • [IMPROVEMENT] New date input can set the date directly in the input field
  • [BUG FIX] Can now input three-digit weight for dogs
  • [BUG FIX] The slider widget input was getting messed up if the minimum value was not equal to zero
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added new dog breeds
  • [UI FIX] Breed image opens in a model
  • [UI FIX] Better breed images
  • [UI FIX] Default phone code is now US
  • [IMPROVEMENT] All slider widget inputs direct input in the text box
  • [BUG FIX] The distance slider widget input label is fixed now square meters
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed step 3 training time input; it now has one editable label instead of a label and input
  • [UI FIX] Updated all new widget inputs output data on the training details view
  • [BUG FIX] Fixed step 3 training time input; it now has one editable label instead of a label and input
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Increased dog image size to 5MB
  • [BUG FIX] Action buttons in table views were going to the wrong page/view
  • [BUG FIX] Dog and user training stats were incorrect

All Training Types

  • [NEW] SAR training types Alert Given & Alert Requested added Refind, Down Stare, Sit Stare
  • [NEW] SAR training types terrain type Urban added
  • [NEW] Placement widget input added Alert Station, Brick Wall, Odor Recognition Training (ORT)
  • [NEW] Reward widget input added tug
  • [NEW] SAR training types added Time in Area widget input


  • [BUG FIX] Had search type twice


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Added negative marker to correction

SAR HRD Training Type

  • [IMPROVEMENT] New odor amounts widget input supporting working with more than one widget
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Updated the odor set time widget input
  • [NEW] New Selection of Known widget input
  • [NEW] Added "Blank" as an option for human remains source
  • [NEW] Added Search Type
  • [NEW] Laid by option
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