Requesting Custom Training Type

For private custom training types, we recommend contacting support directly support[@]

Public Training Types Request

You need to reach the feature request page to leave a request for the development of a new training type; there are two ways:

From the left-hand menu, select "Trainings" Click the "Add Training" button on the top right in the following view.

Toggle the "Private" option on the page that appears. If you don't have any private training types yet, you will see the "Contact Support" button.

Clicking the "Contact Support" button will direct you to the "Help Center." Alternatively, you can access the "Help Center" by clicking the relevant option at the bottom of the left-hand menu.

On the following view, click the "Request a Feature".

The view that follows is the features requested by users. If a custom training type request similar to yours is not in the list, press the "Feature Request" button in the upper right corner.

A new window will open, allowing you to make a new request.

Fill in the title, select the product, and then provide a detailed description of your custom training type. You also have the option to attach files (the more information you provide, the better).

After entering the necessary information, click the "Create post" button. A new post will appear in the list of feature requests.

Alternatively, you can email your requirements, preferences, and ideas regarding the custom training type to support[@] The "DogBase" development team will contact you as soon as possible.

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