v1.3.9 - Insights Compare, New Training Types and more

I'm excited to announce DogBase Teams Web App Version 1.3.9. The most significant change in this version is our payment integration and opening up DogBase to public use; current users will get a 7-day trial period, and new users will get a 14-day trial period. After the trial period, you will be required to subscribe to one of our plans. This is very important. As most of you know, we are a bootstrap startup that only received funding from the Techstars startup accelerator program. For us to succeed and continue on our planned roadmap, we need customers who pay and help us build a fantastic product. We believe this will also help us with future funding from investors.

This version has also launched a compare insights feature, new training types, and bug fixes.

Insights Compare

Added Train Images to Training Details View

K9 Conservation Training Type

K9 Behavior Training Type

We also have a number of exciting items planned to be released in the next two weeks. Check it out

  • File uploads for training and dogs
  • Archive dogs
  • Full report and export to Excel feature
  • DogBase Handler Mobile App

View the complete Changelog v1.3.9.

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