October 23, 2023 - Hotfix Version 1.3.7

Teams Web App

[NEW] Integrated MapBox instead of Google Maps

[UI FIX] Tooltips on mobile are now hidden

[UI FIX] Training details better formatting

[UI FIX] Fixed text overflowing in training details

[IMPROVEMENT] Added new compliance block in training details

Training Types

[BUG FIX] Saving manually edited labels in all widget sliders

[BUG FIX] Fixed sliders in the Dropdown Multislider widget not saving info when editing training

[UI FIX] Fitness data is now hidden if it’s not used

[IMPROVEMENT] Added one more Multiselect Text To Tags widget to the Stepper Multiply Widget

[IMPROVEMENT] Alert Requested, Alert Given - time step amount decreased to 1s

[IMPROVEMENT] Alert Requested, Alert Given - time step amount decreased to 1s

[IMPROVEMENT] Time in Area max decreased to 18h

[IMPROVEMENT] "Search Type added options "On-Trail," "Off Trail," "Suburban," "Rural."

[UI FIX] "Search Type fixed wording in "Quartering."

[IMPROVEMENT] HRD Cadaver: "Container type" is moved under the "Odor Count."

[IMPROVEMENT] HRD Cadaver: Odor Weight step amount decreased to 1 oz

[UI FIX] Time in Area: max decreased from 72 hours to 18 hours

[UI FIX] Time in Area: step amount decreased from 5 min to 1 min

[UI FIX] Size of Search Area: max increased to 200 acres / 80 ha

[UI FIX] On lead max increased from 15m/45ft to 60m/180ft

[UI FIX] HRD Cadaver, Odor weight: max increased from 100lb /50 kg to 300lb/150kg

[UI FIX] HRD Cadaver, Human Remains Source: added "Full Body" option

[UI FIX] Alert Requested and Alert Given: "Down Stay" option changed to "Down."

[IMPROVEMENT]: Air Scenting "Off-Lead" widget deleted

[IMPROVEMENT]: Air Scenting: "Distance" widget added

[IMPROVEMENT]: Air Scenting and Search Type: added options "Run Out," "Container Lineup," "Imprinting."

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