Creating a Team

Think of teams as folders or labels; a dog and handler can be in more than one team. Teams are designed to help you organize everything.

You can initiate the team creation process in two ways:

From the left-hand menu, select "Dashboard". Click the "Create Team" button on the top right in the following view.

From the left-hand menu, select "Teams." Click the "Add Team" button in the upper right corner on the following view.

The page that follows is the team's information editing window. Fill in the required details:

  • Team Name
  • Location of the Team
  • Team Status
  • Team Type
  • Choose an icon for the team.

After entering the necessary information, click on the "Submit" button. Your newly formed team will now be visible in the list of teams.

Congratulations! You've successfully added a team to your DogBase account.

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